Flood The Streets With Art (III)

A friend of mine recently shared a post on Facebook about flooding the streets with art on Black Friday. “That sounds fun”, I thought. So today I packaged up a few things, two small originals and some cards, then went about placing art here and there downtown.   

Black Friday special–FREE art!

I know I was just one of hundreds of artists all over who participated in spreading art and beauty today. I can only hope that the people who found free art, enjoy the art as much as we/I enjoyed putting art out to be found. Next year I’ll be more prepared. I’m already looking forward to doing it again and hopefully, I can get some of my friends to join me. But since it was so much fun, you never know, possibly a random piece of art will be randomly dropped on a random day and you may randomly find it–

We all have gifts to give and we don’t have to wait for a specific day or be organized to do it. Let’s be random and spread joy, love and beauty spontaneously. It’s fun 😄!